usually u mix it 40-1 for 4 gallons u use 12 oz of oil not shur about 5 but not that much more
hw much gearbox oil do you put in your ktm 525
The maximum horsepower of the KTM 525 is 51.5 horsepower. As per the KTM 525 website, the horsepower could range from 48-52 hp. A KTM 525 can go upwards of 70 mph.
51.5 hp
1.35 L
1.2 litres
You can find that info , as well as a lot more, here:
Around $7,900
4 thousand about, depending on the wear and how many people have previously owned it
The term ktm 525 usually refers to an ATV. It is known as the Cross-Country Champion. It is the type of ATV that is legal to ride on the streets thanks to their mirrors, lights and registration.
Stock, in the ballpark of 48-50 hp
I have a 07 KTM 525 XCW and the manual call for 6mm on plug gap.