I am a UPS driver and i make about 80,000 a year gross. this includes the overtime i work.
Yeah, My dad works at UPS as a driver and makes about $73,000.00 with a little bit of over time. So about $70,000-$80,000
Due to the regulation changing a ups pilot by their 15th year of being a captain earns 255 dollars per hour and by there 1st year of being a captain they earn 36 dollars per hour which is a lot when you think about long haul but the conditions can be hard because they usually like arrive either early late or mid day but they need to leave early the next morning so your body wont of even adjusted luckily there is a bed just for the staff on long haul flights for you to sleep on so yea the fo (first officer) earns by there 1st year a amount of 36 dollars per year and by their 15th yea they earn 171 dollars per hour however the so (second officer) earns by there first year they earn 37 dollars per hour but by there 15th year they earn 131 dollars per year
A fed ex second officer earn on a wide body 57.66 dollars a hour on there first year o a Boeing 727 they earn well the same but on a second officer's 15th year they earn 145.13 dollars a hour on a wide body but on a Boeing 727 they earn 127.63 dollars a year.
a first officer earns on there first year 59.77 dollars a year
thanks to: www.willflyforfood.com/airline-pilot-salary for the information
depends ...what does ups stand for.. and i presume that is must be a lot
The United Parcel Service diesel mechanic is $38,000. The more time on the job, the more money they will earn.
a chef
a UPS driver in NEW YORK would make $14.00 an hour
what do a feeder driver do at ups
29.96 as of nov 21 2010
Considering it takes 11 or more years of college to become a pediatrician, and can costs somewhere around 500,000 dollars to complete all of the training to become a pediatrician, they don't make very much money. When the earning potential of a pediatrician is compared to a person who starts work coming out of high school as a UPS driver, it takes more than 20 years for the pediatrician to catch up to the money made by the UPS driver.
Grown Ups grossed $272,223,430 worldwide.
Grown Ups grossed $162,001,186 in the domestic market.
how should i apply for ups package delivery driver job
Grown Ups 2 grossed $247,023,808 worldwide.