Danica Patrick's birth name is Danica Sue Patrick.
Did Danica Patrick accomplishedher goal
No. Danica Patrick does not have children.
Danica Patrick is 5' 2".
her name is danica Patrick retard
No. Danica is American. She was born in Beloit, Wisconsin.
Danica Patrick was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, United States.
Danica Patrick's biggest sponsor is GoDaddy.com.
Danica Patrick was born on March 25, 1982.
Danica Patrick was born on March 25, 1982.
Danica Patrick earned $307,305. for her sixth place finish in the 2010 Indianapolis 500.
In 2012, Danica Patrick earned $1,053,885 in the Nascar Cup Series and $946,349 in the Nascar Nationwide Series.