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It takes 365 days to complete it.

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Q: How many days does a earth takes to complete a revolution?
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How many days does it take for the earth to complete revolution?

earth takes 365 days to complete it

How many days before the earth complete a revolution?

It takes approximately 365.25 days for the Earth to complete one revolution around the sun.

It takes the earth 365 days to complete one?


How many days does venus take for one revolution?

Venus takes about 225 Earth days to complete one revolution around the Sun.

How many days it takes for the moon to complete its revolution?

27.32 days to revolve around Earth.

How long does mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto all take to orbit the sun?

Mercury: 88 Earth days Venus: 225 Earth days Earth: 365.25 days Mars: 687 Earth days Jupiter: about 12 Earth years Saturn: about 29 Earth years Uranus: about 84 Earth years Neptune: about 165 Earth years Pluto: about 248 Earth years

How many does the moon takes to complete one revolution around the earth?

30 days

How long does it take the earth to make one complete revolution of the sun?

The Earth takes one year or 365.25 days to complete a single revolution around the sun. Edit: One revolution takes exactly an year. The definition of year is the time that takes for a revolution.

What is the length of revolution for Mercury?

Mercury takes about 88 Earth days to complete one revolution around the Sun.

How long does earth take to complete its revolution?

Earth completes one revolution around the sun in approximately 365.25 days, which is the basis for our calendar year. This period is known as a year.

What time does it takes mars to complete one revolution around the sun?

It takes Mars approximately 687 Earth days, or about 1.88 Earth years, to complete one revolution around the sun.

How long does one complete revolution of earth around the sun takes?

365 in a half days