Dumb question. Learn to gear, do clutch work, make the motor have more compression, and add aftermarket parts. A 500 could do 125mph, but stock it wont. The fastest stock sled is a 1998 Thundercat 1000 and it does 128mph when tuned correctly.
125 to 130 mph
125 mph = 201.168 kph
130 km per hour = 80.7783 mph
The average car had a top speed of around 125 to 130 mph.
you should be able to top out around 125-130 mph
125 mph = 183.33 feet per second.
Divide distance by time to find velocity: 130 ÷ 2.5 = 52 mph
125 mph = 201.17 kph
A category 4 hurricane has sustained wind speeds between 130-156 mph.
130 mph increased by 15% is: an increase of 19.5 mph to new speed of 149.5 mph
About 125-130 mph in the stock configuration, turbo model, assuming you have stock 16" wheels, too.
130 + 10% = 130 x (1 + (10/100)) = 143 miles per hour.