It depends what brand of bike? 2 stroke or 4? and what kind of mods you have done to it?... but any 4 stroke should do around 60-75 km/h and 2 strokes do around 80-110 km/h... Hope that answers your question! :D
Yes, it's true.
the kawasaki kx.
They can go from 65 - 75 mph ( Can reach 80, but I wouldnt try to go that fast)
A 111 cc dirt bike will go approximately 40 miles per hour. The exact maximum speed is dependent upon the manufacturer of the dirt bike.
a 110 cc dirt bike goes around 40 or 50 up to 60 or 65 mph
a dirt bike cc is a measurment for cubic centemeters
I have a KDX200 that runs 65-68 mph.
a Honda xr650 max out about 180kmp/h
basic unleaded petrol man
like 500-600 dollars going on the condition
1000 cc that i know of
dirt bike motor
100cc the bigger the better