My guess is it would go the fastest if driven off a very tall cliff. Given that a human being tucked into a tight ball has a terminal velocity of around 200mph, I think the 86 suzuki 250r quadracer would probably hit 160-180mph during its decent if the cliff is tall enough.
A 2007 Suzuki LTZ 400 will run approximately 78.9 mph.
over 9,000 mph
Mine can go 45
I have one and ive go it to go 72 miles per hour
mine does about 65+ on the road not sure in the dirt though.
i would say 60 to 70 but it wont touch my kx 65
how fast can a 250cc quad go
a 100cc stadard quad goes about 40mph
depending on the mini quad it should go to 30mph-35
Go to that has everything
75 kph