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Q: How far away should you stand while winching?
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Stand 8-10 feet away from the fire

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They should be on the dock away from the boat.

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They should be on the dock away from the boat.

Where should non-essential passengers stand during the fueling process on a boat?

They should be on the dock away from the boat.

When walking behind a horse you should do what answers for howrse?

stand at least 6 feet away

Where should you stand when you are waiting a train?

It is polite to stand away from the edge of the platform, as when the train arrives, passengers are able to get off with ease.

Where should non essential personnel stand during refueling?

Anywhere away from the area that is being refueled.

When leading a horse should you stand direcly infront of it?

No, you should stand (usually) to the left side, at the horse's shoulder. When leading, you should stand about arms length away so that they won't step on you. (believe me, it's painful) Horses cannot see directly in front of them, so if you suddenly move away from their blind point, they could become startled and run away. The left side of the horse is usually where horses are handled from, so they are more used to being handled from here.

When you walk behind a horse how far should you stand away?

You should probably be at least 2-3 feet away from the horse, if you are still worried about it bucking, you should talk to it, make a noise or touch his bottom so he knows where you are.