Put a new pipe on it, a good high flow filter with a pre filter. Run no air box lid and have it jetted (assuming it is not EFI). You could also change your gearing. If you add teeth to the front and/or put a smaller sprocket on the back you will have more top end.
The kx 85 is over all faster......but the 150r would give it a run for its money
kx 100 is faster on bottom end speed kx 85 is faster on top end speed so they are about equal to some extent. ;)
believe it or not, the kx 60 is faster a cause of it having a motor too powerful for the small, light frame, so yes, the kx 60 is faster than the yz 85
kx 85
a crf150r is like a rocket to a kx85 a crf150r will eat a kx 85 for breakfast!!! there both fast but i have trouble with the kx and no trouble with 150!!! So overall a crf150r runs better and is faster!!!
A KX 85 STOCK WILL TOP OUT AT ABOUT 68-70MPH. well mine will top out at 85mph cause its no normal kx 85
the kx is faster
you can ride a kx 85 any age there is no lmit :D
around the 65 mph mark for a big wheel kx 85
my 99 model kx 250 does 85 mph