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You start it up when u logg on to ur computer then just wait it will gradualy go up

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Q: How do you get FH up in platform racing 2?
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How do you get a crown hat on platform racing 2 without FH?

you cant

How do you get a crown on platform racing 2 besides FH?

You can't i know its sucks and everything but its the only way to get it is by using the FH... sorry

How do you level up faster on platform racing 2?


When was platform racing 2 made?

Platform Racing 2 was made on April 2008

Platform racing 2 how to trade iteams?

You are unable to trade items in Platform Racing 2. :(

Who developed Platform Racing 2?

Platform Racing 2, a flash racing game and sequel to the original Platform Racing, was developed by Jacob Grahn, also known as "Jiggmin". It was published by Kongregate in 2008.

How do you play platform racing if you got banned?

just play platform racing 2

How do you get the santa hat on platform racing 2?

It Just randomly comes up!

Is there any game like club penguin but with no memberships?

Yes theres Roblox,Platform Racing,Platform Racing 2,Platform Racing 3.

Are there any hackers in Platform Racing 2?

Yes. Some users on Platform Racing 2 (PR2) do hack.

How often do you get points for platform racing 2 on FH?

I am not much of a fast Folder, so I get around 70 points in 6 hours. Some other players who Fold faster get around 1000 points a day!

What are names of good platform racing games like platform racing1 2 and Littlebigplanet?

LittleBigPlanet is not a Platform Racing Game