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i draw racecars, and the COT but im not sure i can tell u really i just draw em with a pencil and me on my message board if u wanna see one

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Q: How do you draw a NASCAR Car of Tomorrow?
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Who won Nascar's first ever race with the Car of Tomorrow?

Nascar debuted the Car of Tomorrow on March 25, 2007 at Bristol Motor Speedway. The race was won by Kyle Busch.

What is a COT car in the Nascar Sprint Cup Series?

COT Stands for "Car of Tomorrow"

Why did NASCAR change to the car of tomorrow?

its alot safer and creates more downforce

What generation of cars does NASCAR use?

They use the Generation 6 car(or Gen-6, for short) because of aerodynamic issues. Everyone thought that the Car Of Tomorrow(or Gen-5) was the safest car NASCAR ever raced. The Gen-6 car proves to be more aerodynamic than that of the Car of Tomorrow.

How do you draw a NASCAR stock car?

To draw a NASCAR stock car, you should first have a picture or model of a car in front of you. Use a pencil and paper. Draw the basic shapes that you see on the car first. Next add lines to give the car more detail. Finally add the more decorative detail on the car. For example numbers, and sponsor signs.

What is better NASCAR 08 or 09?

I think Nascar 08 is better because it has both the car of tomorrow and the old car. But then Nascar 09 has the newer paint schemes so it is hard to tell, it depends what you think. (Though, NASCAR Thunder 2003 is better than both.)

What is the COT car in NASCAR?

The COT stands for Car of tomorrow. It has better safety features and a wing to help from spinning out. Sprint Cup Series are the only ones to use them. During the 2010 season, Nascar replaced the wing with a spoiler.

How do you draw a NASCAR race car?

super super easy you look at the car in you draw you draw what you see do not think about anything you know you just look at it and dry what you see do it again again practice practice enjoy you are an artist now

How do you draw Jeff Gordon's race car from the Nascar Cup Series?

The easiest way is to get a picture of his car and try to duplicate it. I draw NASCAR cars, and it's really tough. I would start out by putting it on an overhead projector and go step by step, and once you got it mastered, try without looking at the picture.

What kind of cars are used in NASCAR?

The vehicles used in the NASCAR Sprint Car series are known at Cars of Tomorrow. They are modified versions of the commercial cars made available to the public and companies include Ford, Chevy, and Dodge.

Is Thrust SCC a NASCAR car?

No it is not. A Thrust SSC car is a jet propelled car. A Nascar car is a stock car used for auto racing.

What is the purpose of car sponsorships in NASCAR?

The purpose of car sponsorships in NASCAR is to gain more attraction and fans. In addition, the purpose of car sponsorships in NASCAR is to gain more support for race car sports.