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in order to become a monster truck driver, you have to have prior experience in mechanics, and must be 18, with a clean driving record. From a professional Monster Truck Driver on the thunder nationals circuit

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They climb......... a lot lol

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Q: How do monster truck drivers get into their trucks?
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How much do monster truck drivers cost to build a monster truck?

Around $200,000

How big is a monster truck?


Where can you buy a real monster truck?

buy used show monster trucks?

What was the first monster truck to join monster jam?

monster trucks were invented in late 1970's by bob chandler and his monster truck Bigfoot were the first ones to use a monster truck

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What do cattle truck drivers do?

drive cattle trucks

How big are monster trucks?

A monster truck is generally 13,000 to 20,000 lbs.

A very large truck?

There are many types of trucks that are considered large. Monster trucks are some of the biggest trucks there are.

What has the author Scott D Johnston written?

Scott D. Johnston has written: 'Monster truck racing' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Monster trucks, Truck racing, Trucks

What is the average salary of a Monster Truck driver?

A monster truck driver drives huge trucks, with very large tires that are massive compared to any normal trucks. These trucks are usually driven in rallies to show their power. The monster truck driver usually makes between 30 to 50 thousand dollars a year.

Where can monster truck videos be viewed?

There are many videos featuring monster trucks posted on YouTube. Monster truck videos can also be viewed on the website All Monster, which features not only videos but monster truck news and events.

How high do monster trucks jump?

how far can monster trucks jump? In 1999 a monster truck known as Bigfoot set the monster truck long jump world record by jumping 202 feet over a Boeing 727. That jump also set the monster truck high jump world record of 24 feet.