He used to live real close to it. Across the street from the area he is buried. He now lives in another area outside of Mooresville.
No, Dale is buried on his private family estate. Visitors are not permitted.
Yes. Dale Jr. is the late Dale Earnhardt Sr's son.
Dale Earnhardt Sr's daughter and Dale Earnhardt Jr's sister.
Dale Earnhardt Jr does not smoke.
His father, Dale Earnhardt Sr.
Dale Earnhardt Sr's father was Ralph Lee Earnhardt and his mother is Martha Coleman.
Dale's father was a dirt racer and did not race with Jr, because he died before Jr was born. I want to know what his name was. Dale Earnhardt Sr's father was named Ralph Lee Earnhardt.
His father, Dale Earnhardt Sr.
Ralph Dale Earnhardt.
Dale Earnhardt Jr is 6'0" tall.
Ralph Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
Dale Jr's dad was the late Ralph Dale Earnhardt Sr.