If the auto loan and car are in your name you can simply call your local police department and basically say she has stolen the car. You are the owner and you want it back!
He refuses to name his girlfriend
If a creditor refuses to give you payment address, you still owe them money. This might be frustrating but does not get you off the hook.
You ask what you want by saying it. But don't feel bad if she refuses, some people are not just comfortable with kissing.
1) he's being nice and respectful 2)he's hiding something
If your ex girlfriend refuses a DNA test or will not let you see the daughter, you will need to contact an attorney. An attorney can file your case with the courts and can request a DNA test.
Sean Schemmel has stated several times that he refuses to sign autographs through the mail. Sorry
Answer Ask her to show you how much she loves you and if she refuses or comes up with some lame answer, get rid of her and find a new girl who will appreciate you.
When a horse refuses to jump a fence, it is commonly referred to as a "refusal." This can happen for various reasons such as lack of confidence, fear, or physical discomfort. It is important for the rider to address the underlying issue and work on building trust and confidence with the horse to overcome the refusal.
Parents can encourage a child who refuses to participate in sports by exploring different physical activities together, providing positive reinforcement and support, setting achievable goals, and emphasizing the importance of staying active for overall health and well-being.
I think you should maybe try to speak to your girlfriend and tell her how uncomfortable his behaviour makes you feel. If she refuses to change or discourage him to tone his behaviour down, then maybe you should reconsider being with her.
Ask your attorney about suing your husband for divorce "in absentia).
No. You are only permitted to use force in response to force. If a person is trespassing on your property and refuses to leave, contact the police. If you initial physical aggression when the trespassor has not, you would be guilty of battery.