Go to a race, watch it and chances are you will learn alot. Endurance training like running and of course riding a lot. You should be able to keep your butt off the seat for the entire race. Learn how to take obstacles, when is the best time to goose the throttle or when to apply the brake. What is the best line through a corner for maximum speed and how to keep the rear tire from squirting out from under you. Learn your bike, what gears work best at certain speeds and where your power band is, You should know your bike by sound. In time you will know by the feel and sound how fast you are going and at what level the engine is operating so your attention can be on the track and the other competitors. Look ahead when racing, dont focus on what is right in front of you. See it 50 yards ahead and let your memory guide you through what you have seen it will come eventually but it must be learned so practice. and lastly reaction time not only for getting off the line ( its easier to negotiate the course if you are out front ) but in taking obstacles and reacting to your ever changing environment and other racers. Getting air looks pretty but it costs you time, keep the wheels on the ground as much as possible, you cant accelerate with your wheel in the air. practice the washboards, you should be able to take these 2 at a time and carry the front wheel off the ground. Same for the triples get plenty of speed coming in and keep your trajectory low so you can land on the back side of the third bump with throttle open for the next set. The big berms take lots of practice as well, you should be able fly over the valley between them but low enough to catch the beginning of the down slope of the other side and accelerate. Always think about what is the best way to get your rear wheel on the ground as quickly as possible after an obstacle so you can be back on the throttle, wear all protective gear that you can and get over the fear of wiping out it will keep you slow.
a 10 speed racer is a dirt bike a 10 speed racer is a dirt bike
A gift certificate from a bike shop.
If a pro bike racer gets to close to another pro bike racer he gets a penalty.
Enduro Racer is a video game that was produced by Sega in 1986. It is an arcade style game in which the player stands and navigates the dirt bike on the screen.
Get a bike, keep the throttle open all the way when riding, and you're golden!
kowasaki loose racer if its a bike
It depends what use the bicycle is put to, it may be a racer, a road going tourer or an off-road mountain or trail bike. All have very different tires.
Yes he is a dirt bike racer
terain trail racer
Baja Racer: "sandman" --- Figure 8 Racer: "pileup" --- Nitro Bike: "redline" --- Ice Bike: "frostbite" --- Street Car (Camaro): "johnnylaw"
James Stewart