the only affect it has had on me is a hard on from the imense horsepower. but some people have died and others lost their eyesite do to an extreme fluctuation in the g-forces when the chutes open. Remember Joe Amato? He was one of the best Top Fuel drivers...until he suddenly--in the middle of the season--quit driving for good. His doctor told him they couldn't weld his retinas back in any more.
I cannot say for sure, however, I remember a car magazine, maybe Carcraft, doing an article on the Australian cars, and their owners, back in the late 70's, or early 80's. As I recall, there were a handful of guys that were trying to open a track. The Australian National Drag Racing Association, or ANDRA for short, is the primary drag racing sanctioning body in Australia. The organisation was created in 1973 for the more drag oriented members of the Australian Hot Rod Federation. Australian Drag racing speed records are listed from 1966 on.
As the mass of a human body increases, so does the g-force exhibited on the human body.
they dont
The different things that can affect how the human body growth is SLEEPING Because when your sleep is ENOUGH Your Body will grow. That's all THANK YOU :)
The flight of a body mainly depends on its response to the atmospheric air, the shape of the body & the forces acting on the body i.e lift, drag, thrust & weight. The two forces lift & drag are the ones primly influenced by the shape of the body and account to the aerodynamic nature of the body. Every body produces certain amount of lift & drag but its only the measure of these forces affect the flight. More lift helps the body to sustain flight ; less drag accounts for more aerodynamic nature of the body i.e, less lift/thrust is required to sustain the flight and viceversa .
from the breakdown of starch
This is only an educated guess, but back in the early part of the 20th century, the main street in any given town was referred to as "the main drag". Since organized drag racing grew from street racing, if you challenged someone to race from one intersection to the next, you are racing on the "main drag", thus "Drag Racing". Now why the street in town was called the "main drag", well, that is another question to be answered elsewhere. Old Skool Racer
It shut's down most of the organs in the human body.