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125 per hour depending on the intensity of the race

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Q: Does anyone know how many calories are burned formula one driving?
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5km run calories burned?

In the world of exercising and training, there is a simple formula to calculate how many calories are burned during a period of training, which is that to burn 100 calories, you need to run a mile. This means that since there 5km equals to 3.1mi, then you burn 300 calories approximately by running 5km.

How many calories are burned running 12 laps around a high school track?

The actual number of calories burned vary depending on the speed of the run and the weight of the runner. While the number of burned calories can vary, an average number of calories burned are 200.

Does this treadmill offer a pulse checker and calories burned clock?

Yes, this Ironman Acclaim Treadmill does display the number of calories you have burned.

How can you lose twenty five percent of body fat in month?

The formula is simple, keeping it is not: Less food intake, more calories burned...(: Be free.

What does cal on a treadmill means?

Calories Burned The word "cal" on a treadmill is just an abbreviation for calories. It often shows how many calories are burned during the time you excercise.

If you burn 22.7 carbs how many calories have you burned?

92 calories.

How many calories burned if burned 400kj?

to convert kj to cal divide by 4.1 therefore: 400/ 4.1 = 97 calories

How many calories are burned of on a ride?

It depends if you were driving or just riding. It also depends on height, weight, and gender. But you probably only burned off a couple, and it more than likely wasn't enough to make a significant difference.

Does it display the amount of burned calories?

The Tunturi-E60R Recumbent Exersize Bike does have the feature of showing calories burned not to mention speed and distance.

How many calories are burned while making out?

It entirely depends on your work-out intensity. Swimming and ruining burned the most calories.

How many calories burned power 90?

Approx. 300-400 calories

How many calories burned running for 40 minutes?

Around 450 calories