please change thıs sentence to dırect speechFred insisted that he would be driving his own car in the rally.
One can have an experience of rally driving in the UK at Extreme Rally. Extreme Rally is the best company in the UK for rally driving. The price of the service is cheap also.
What type of rally is it? If it is a car rally what about 'Driving fore the cure'.
One can read about rally driving experiences from websites dedicated to the subject, such as Perth Rally Driving or Driving Experiences. Several other websites such as Red Balloon devoted to travel in general may also have information about rally driving experiences.
As much as you wait to pay for one. A rally car can be a normal everyday family car, and you can make it into a rally car depending on how much money you have. You don't need certain parts for a rally car, but they all help.
Rental car rally was created in 2008.
A rally track is a dirt course with bumps and sometimes obstacles to dodge around. You are usually in a 'rally car' which is a modified car.
The leading online retailer of rally car parts is the website Rally Sport Direct. The website offers all the parts one needs to fix any problem on any rally car.
It doesn't appear Peter ever obtains a rally car.
During the time of the Rally Driving Experience Days there are covered events such as driving courses, photoshoots, sometimes even celebrity visits or special "surprise" events.
WRC or World Rally Championship.
User #1 (Craig): I have Colin McRae Rally 2005.