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NO, they are just decals.

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Q: Do indycars have brakelights
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When the headlights are on there are no brakelights when headlights are off brakelights work what would cause this?

Bad ground on the brake lite circuit.

Do indycars have power steering?

No, some say they do but i know this to be fact that they dont.

Why are my brakelights constantly on when I turn my ignition on?

Check the operation and alignment of the stop light switch

Brakelights dont work but headlights do?

check the fuse on the fuse box, the bulbs,or the connections.

Why do brakelights stay on when headlights are turned on but brakelights work normally when headlights are off on a 92 Tercel?

first check to make sure #1 you have the proper bulbs #2 the bulb is in the socket correctly.either of these could cause the circuit to back feed

How do you fix the brakelights on a 93 Honda Civic if they do not come on when you brake?

Probably the switch on the brake pedal,

Where can you download the new Julian casablancas single river of breaklights?

River of Brakelights is available on iTunes.

May brakelights will not come on?

1977 Chevy pickup brake lights not wordking but turn, tail,reverse allworks

Where is the fuse box location for a 1991 Ford Probe?

which fuse would cause your brakelights,blinkers,dashliht not to work

Who do you hook up your brakelights on a 1989 Volvo 240 gl?

i am trying to find out my my back lights are not all working

You have an 86 Chrysler Fifth Avenue and when you first bought the car the brakelights and blinkers worked then the blinkers went out then the brakelights what could be wrong with them?

check in your fuse box. there are three relays on the left side replace the bottom one it's like $3.00 at an auto part store. i just had to do it today.

What causes the brakelights in your 98 Chevy Malibu to not work although your high mount stop light works?

Blown fuse