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I'm sure that some of them have planes but one driver who really likes to fly airplanes is Carl Edwards.

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Q: Do Nascar drivers fly airplanes and jets?
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Related questions

Are airplanes jets?

Yes, jets are airplanes but they are called supersonic airplanes.

What airplanes do celebrities fly?

Private jets most likelyt

Why do jets fly over at the start of Nascar races?

Because of the National Anthem being sung.

How do the fighter jets know when to fly over at a nascar event?

Radios or talkies. It's basically the only way to communicate.

What do planes and jets fly in?

They fly in air. High-performance military fighter jets have engines powerful enough that they can fly straight up, like a 'rocket ship'. But aside from those, all airplanes need air in order to remain aloft.

What elevation do airplanes fly?

Most prop planes fly any where from 1,000-5,000 ft. Airliners usually fly from 10,000-20,000 ft. Military jets fly at pretty much any altitude

Why do most airplanes travel in stratosphere?

Most aircraft do not travel in the stratosphere. Some military and passenger jets fly in the stratosphere, but most aircraft fly in the troposphere, below the stratosphere.

What was the plane in flyby at todays nascar race?

during the singing of the national anthem jets fly over, but a blimp will flyover during the race. the Goodyear blimp F16s

Why do cats not fly airplanes?

Because cats do not have the capability to fly airplanes.

Why does a person fly in airplanes?

Because people are not able to fly without a airplanes.

Can you fly airplanes on Grand Theft Auto IV?

You are unable to fly airplanes, however you can fly helicopters.

Can a jet fly vertically up and for how long?

It depends, some military jets have enough thrust power that they can fly straight up without falling, but if commercial airplanes attempt this, they will slow down and stall within a few seconds