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Q: Can you make a race car by putting a 4 cylinder in a car that originally had a v-6 and if so would it be too under-powered with the bigger car with a smaller engine?
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Can you make your breasts smaller by putting lotion on them?

Lol, No you can not make your breasts smaller by putting lotion on them. :P But, You can get a breast reduction. :]

Why is a 10ml graduated cylinder more accurate than a 100ml graduated cylinder?

A 10ml graduated cylinder is more accurate than a 100ml graduated cylinder because the smaller volume allows for more precise measurements. The smaller increments on the scale of a 10ml cylinder result in smaller margin of error compared to a 100ml cylinder. This enhances the accuracy of measuring small volumes with greater precision.

What does the starter motor look like?

Like a cylinder with a smaller cylinder on to of it. It will be sittind sideways

Why might someone design a system that transferred force from a large cylinder to a smaller cylinder knowing that force would be decreased?

Transferring force from a large cylinder to a smaller cylinder allows for pressure to be increased in the smaller cylinder, which may be desired for specific applications. This design can provide mechanical advantage in scenarios where a higher pressure or force is needed in a confined space or for precision applications.

What is shape is a cylinder cut in half?

a smaller cylinder when cut horizontally. A semi-circle when cut vertically

What instruments do you use to measure the volume of smaller liquids?

a graduated cylinder

For what purpose were dachshunds originally?

To hunt smaller animals such as weasels and moles.

What is a specification of hydraulic cylinder to create 35 tons pressure?

What is your power hydraulic pump. The pump power is higher the smaller cylinder.

What is the junkiest car ever?

The Delorean DMC12. It was built like a supercar but only was able to attain a top speed of 85. The reason for this is that the engine that was supposed to go in was from Lotus and they backed out, forcing the creator to use a much smaller and underpowered engine.

What would you use to measure volumes smaller than a liter?

a measuring cylinder

How do you find the radius of big cylinder given radius of small cylinder and big cylinder is 4 times larger than the small cylinder?

The answer will depend on whether the larger cylinder is 4 times larger in terms of radius, cross-sectional area, or volume. If radius, multiply the smaller radius by 4. If cross-sectional area, multiply the smaller radius by 2. If volume, you do not have enough information.