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Q: Can radio communication with driver be used during WKA kart races?
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Related questions

What are the various communication facilities that can be used during disasters?

radios,satellites, satellites phones,ham radio are the various communication facilities during disasters

What is the name of the engineer that talks to the driver during the race?

The primary people who speak to the driver during the race is the crew chief and the spotter. The driver can speak to them through the in-car radio.

What are the alternative communication skills during a disaster?

amatuer radio,telephone,satellite

What does the RACES group of the US represent?

The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) was founded by the US government in 1952. It is a network of amateur radio operators that agree to provide their services in case of emergency. This can allow for faster communication than would be possible through existing government services.

What kind of communication was present during the attack of Pearl Harbor?

Mail, Radio, and Hardline Telephones

Why did the Apollo 13 lose communication with Earth during part of the mission?

Apollo 13 lost communication with Earth during a portion of the mission due to a malfunction in the Service Module caused by an oxygen tank explosion. The explosion damaged the spacecraft's systems, including the communication system, leading to the loss of contact. Crew and ground control worked together to troubleshoot and restore communication.

What are the effects of radio communication to human lives?

Back during when the radio came out it was the most helpfullest thing espically during all of the wars that was going on. So the radio was really Important and still is important up to this day.

What is the use of radio communication?

it is used for the communication

What was the purpose of a radio?

Radio existed some 100 years before TV and almost 150 years before the Internet and was a primary means of communication during that time.

Mention any one method of communication which is used by government to disseminate information at various levels during disaster?

satellites, ham radio, television,radio etc....

What was the purpose of radio?

Radio existed some 100 years before TV and almost 150 years before the internet and was a primary means of communication during that time.

What impact has World War I had on the development of communication?

Many communication technologies were pioneered during World War I, the most notable of which was radio. Other technologies used then were telegraph and newspapers.