Yes, they can ride a PW50. As long as they can reach the controls they can ride. 4 year olds race AMA motorcross on them.
like a small one, for example a pw50, 4 is a good starting age.
2 stroke, 10- 15 years old is a good year spand. 4 stroke, 4- 8.
A Carousel ride is a ride with fake horses that move in a circular motion around a platform, it starts at a slow pace and the speed soon picks up, the ride is perfect for children.
No age restriction. I take my 6 and 4 year old around all the time. They put a seatbelt across their laps and were helmets.
Yes, but it really depends on the height and weight. You have to be at least 80 pounds and 4"9'.
3 or 4 unless you were born on a sunny Monday then you can go as early as 2 year and 18 months
As with most theme park rides its more of a height issue rather than age. I would assume its around 48 -54 inches which is 4 - 4 1/2 feet tall. So unless your 3 year old is 4 foot tall id skip trying to ride it for now
4 year old girl
It isn't too scary. My 10 year old son loved it and we went on it about 4 times. It's a great ride, escpically sitting in the front row :)
Not if it is playful with other 4 year old, or people mature enough to know how to play with a 4 year old.
Yes. Their 4 years old and they are getting their 4 year old molars.