Yes, anyone is allowed to drive an F1 car, but the teams have to allow it and the person has to be fit enough.
Formula One cars - they're very unique!
No. Women in the Middle East cannot drive cars.
If they have a license, yes.
Yes, women are allowed to drive in Afghanistan. However, most don't as cars are rather expensive and only the wealthy drive in Afghanistan.
they dont drive them selves. Theres a driver inside...
Why on earth not? Cars are cars - if they are street-legal, the sun has nothing to do with when you can drive them.
Saudi women are not allowed to drive cars but they are allowed to drive aeroplanes as they are chauffeured to the air port .2. Saudi women are not allowed to go out without an abaya .
Formula 1 isn't in Forza because it cannot support the physics needed for having open wheeled cars. And the FIA is strict on what game companies can do with F1.
There are no children's cars with motors. That would be inherently dangerous to everyone, including the children.
Yes you can,Infect you can drive it any where you want. Private cars are allowed in other states.