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The mechanic was his sister

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Q: A mechanic's brother won the car race But the man who won had no brother How is that possible?
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What software do mechanics use?

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Is race car spelled race car?

Yes, it is indeed spelled race car.

Can you get compensation for burned car from mechanics?

If you car was burned out while in for repair at the mechanics or as a result of faulty workmanship, then you should first make a claim using your own car insurance. It will be up to your insurers to deal with the mechanics.

What is race car spelled backwards?

Race car spelled backwards is the same thing: race car.

What is the object of a race?

to get where you have to has fast as possible by folloeing the rules like if it a marathon you cant drive in a car to win

What is a palindrome for a very fast car?

race car

What is a palindrome for a fast vehicle?

race car

What benefits do car mechanics get?

guico car insurance heath insurance

Is a car considered a real race car is it is not used for racing?

Not at all, even if the vehicle was once used for any type of profesional racing does not make it a race car. Just because a car is fast does not make it a race car either. Even if the car is currently used for street racing, it is not legally a race car. Everybody wants to call their car a race car, but if you don't professionally race it then don't bother saying that it is a race car.

What are some words that describe car mechanics?

Car mechanics can be described as knowledgeable, skillful, well trained and handy. They can be referred to as technicians or repairmen. Grease monkey is a slang phrase used to refer to mechanics as well.