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No, it takes a lot of horsepower to ride on loose sand.

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Q: Will a 150cc dirt bike go fast on lose sand?
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Can you lose weight while dirt biking?

yes, you can lose weight on a dirt bike because when you jump in high ramps or even go around in circles, your stomach muscles tighten from being so stiff form going so fast. Also, if you preform high jumps or stunts, your arms need to pull the bike forward to flip. When traveling long distances, be sure to wear a harness or else you might pull a muscle. Being a dirt bike rider myself, I be sure to do this.

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If you pedal very fast then you may lose control

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lose weight then buy a motor bike (Really stupid answer i know) i don't know why i put this up there.......

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Riding a stationary bike is a great way to lose weight. Any kind of physical activity is a great step toward healthy living and personal fitness.

How much should you ride your bike to lose 1 pound?

it depends on how fast you ride or if your gowing up a hill

How do you work out and lose weight fast?

Do some running, lift weights, go for a bike ride, do some walking etc. just do these on a daily basis and you'll lose weight in no time :)

How many days would it take to lose 1 stone by riding a bike?

That depends on your age, your weight, your degree of fitness, your body composition, and where you are cycling (flat ground or incline) as well as how far you go and how fast you go.

How do you lose weight fast at 12?

go to a doctor and ask or just go on a healthy diet. also run bike ride and eat healthy!

How do you choose a mountain cycle?

# how much money are you willing to spend # what kind of riding do you intend to do(DH, AM, XC, dirt) # what size bike do you need If you're uncertain, start off with a used bike. You'll lose less money that if you decide to switch to a bike more suited for another discipline later.

Does dirt get warm or is it cold?

Dirt is just matter. It gets hot or cold based on whether energy is being added or removed from it. Earth's core is very hot, but "dirt" goes not conduct heat as fast as it can radiate heat to space (or convect heat into the atmosphere). Dirt will absorb energy from sunlight, and get warm. Dirt will lose any moisture it has, which will tend to cool the dirt. Dirt will support decomposition of buried biomass, which will tend to heat the dirt.

How can a bike help you lose weight?

Of course! Bike-riding is a fairly intense form of exercise that will help keep you fit and lose weight.