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Your engine could be locked up from low oil, burnt up rings or just a blown up engine

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Q: Why would the kickstart lock on a dirt bike?
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Can 4 stroke dirt bike lock up?

Yes, it can "hydro lock" by sucking in water and it can "seize" from running it without oil.

How to start a motorbike without a key?

Find a moto-cross motorbike and kickstart it (competition bikes hasn't any ignition-lock)!

What makes a bike lock easy to use?

A bike lock is easy to use when it is easy for the owner to lock and use, but difficult for a thief to crack or break. It should have a lock that can be opened either with a key or combination.

Is a bike impossible to steal if you use a U-lock?

its much harder but its not impossible. Out of all the bike locks out there the U-lock is among the top.

What do you park the wheelchair with?

A clamp or a bike lock. LeoFlatliner

Are bike lock safe to use at stores?

Yes, bike safes are perfectly safe to use at stores.

How much is a bike lock?

There are different kinds and brands of bike locks available in the market today. Some bike locks cost below $100 while some high end bike locks, especially those made by popular brands, can cost $100 to $200. It depends on the bike lock that you need and the features of the bike locks as well.

What is the best way to secure lock a moped?

a chain and paddle lock like you would use for your bike. also adding a fork lock and locking gas cap are good deterrents as they make your moped nonfunctional until they are drilled out and removed.

How do you reset schwinn bike lock?

buy a new one

Where do you park bicycles?

you can park bikes at a bike rack or if you are going to wallmart they have bike racks there too and after you park your bike you can also us a chain or shouled i say bike lock to lock to lock up your bike and thene no one will take it easy as a pice of cake but you have to buy a bike lock you have to know the coad for it speeking of walmart you can buy locks or bike locks from walmart ,dollerama,target(i think)only target if you live in united states of America , giant tiger (only if you live in Canada)you can buy them at alot of stors hope that anwers you question it does for me soo if you have a quetion just ask em uier aravior :)!.

How do you adjust a bike seat?

On the bike under the seat there is a leveler that can make it move up and down you unlock it then adjust it then lock it

What should you always lock?

A house A car A bike A fileing cabnet