Unfortunately, the serial number for your Suzuki DR 250 does not provide information about the year the bike was manufactured. However, you can use the following tips to help you determine the year of your bike:
You may also be able to find out the year of your Suzuki DR 250 by locating the 10th digit of the VIN. The 10th digit of the VIN can provide information about the year, but this is not always the case. For example, if the 10th digit of the VIN is a J, then the bike was made in 1992. However, if the 10th digit of the VIN is a K, then the bike was made in 1993. In this case, the 10th digit of the VIN is not a J or a K, so the year of your Suzuki DR 250 cannot be determined from the VIN.
The serial number says its a 2002 .
2012 a.d.
2012 a.d.
its a 1986 gsxr750
That is not the serial number that looks like the engine number ull find the serial number on the steering stem