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Q: What year is a Harley golf cart serial number 68D 10108?
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Its a 1979 cart

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"H6" is 1976 year.

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its a 1972

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How do you determine the year of a Yamaha golf cart?

Find the serial number plate on the frame, typically just below the dash on the passenger side. The number will consist of a letter or sometimes two, followed by number. The first two digits of the number are the last two digits of the year it was manufactured. so serial number A85xxxxxx would have been built sometime in 1985.

AMF Harley Davidson golf cart SN 3B18048H5 can you tell me the year it was made?

the last 2 # of the serial tellthe year, H means the 1970s the last number is year like 5 is 1975

Where can I get a wiring diagram for a harley-davidson golf cart?

You can get a wiring diagram for a Harley Davidson golf cart at various Harley dealers. You can also find it in the owner's manual.

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AQ0316-273835 serial number tell you the year?

The first four numbers in the serial number tell you that the cart was manufactured in the 16 week of 2003.