before you read this I'm going to let you know that i have a ttr Yamaha 125cc. you there is no Purpose of a dirt bike but for riding in dirt. people buy dirt bikes to ride on trails and Motocross's. they make different bikes like Yamaha, kawaski, Honda, ttr. they are vary fun to ride.
follow me on YouTube at myfriendfull123
The same purpose for a govenor on a quad or a gokart. to give it the speed you want on it and no have it go fast to where you cant handle it.
you do not have to have a dirt bike liscense dumbazz
There is not a single dirt bike sportsman who is credited for inventing dirt bike tricks. A lot of dirt bike riding is freestyle.
No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.
It's made out of dirt obviously hence the name dirt bike.
depends if you are wearing the protection for a dirt bike that is needed
who was the first dirt bike rider
The 110.
does a dirt bike come with keys
a racing 2stroke dirt bike
A Dirt Bike is considered a vehicle.
YES! dirt bike raceing is a sport!!!!