for example a yz 125, ktm 125, ktm 150sx ktm 250 2-stroke or a 250 4-stroke. I am stepping up from a crf150rb and have ridden many of these bikes Im almost 5'7" and 140 lbs want to know THANKS
Buy a USED 250 dirt bike.
a 250 4 stroke
Well, a 250. Unless if that 210 lb is fat. Then if you are fat, 125.
Im 6'1 and 240lb i have an 03 crf450 and it rips
125 are pretty fast on the road and they might have a tiny bit more on the roads but as soon as you got to the trail thier nothing like the 250 torque
You could get anything with 125 brand, i would go with a 4 stoke as the power is easyer to start out. i ride a kx 250 i find it excelent good when doing jumps
i have alot of dirtbike experience i remmond now starting of a 250 i remmond A 4 stroke 125 to learn on a 250 is way to big for a new rider your 14 a 125 is your Size i learnd on a 50 then i got a 70 and now i have a 125 but i was 7 when i stated rideing
93 kilograms.
an exercise bike would be the best start
I have a cr 125 and it goes like 90kph a 250 easily goes over 110kph Depending on the pipe and stuff and engine quality. Over 100 kph definitely