Biking gives a good work out of all the muscle groups
Biking can help strengthen and tone your thigh muscles, especially the quadriceps and hamstrings. However, the extent to which biking makes your thigh muscles larger will depend on various factors such as your genetics, nutrition, and the intensity of your biking workouts. If you want to build larger thigh muscles, consider incorporating strength training exercises in addition to biking.
Potential energy is stored in the cyclist's muscles while biking up a hill. As the cyclist pedals uphill, their muscular effort creates potential energy that is then converted into kinetic energy as they move uphill.
Triathlon encompasses swimming, biking, and running, and so it involves almost all of your muscles. Your "tri muscles" are those muscles that carry the bulk of the muscle load for swimming, biking, and running. For swimming, it's your lats, chest, and shoulders. For biking and running, it's your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Another key muscle group area is commonly referred to as your "core muscles," which include the abdominal muscles, the lumbar region (or lower back), and the thoracic and cervical region of the spine. These muscles serve to provide stability, support, and a solid base for the rest of the body to function maximally. To learn more about strength training for triathletes, go to:
Ellipticals work the lower body muscles such as the abdomen and legs. Consider an elliptical similar to biking or climbing up stairs.
=Is all in the legs!=
ham string
EVERYTHING. serious.
The New York DWI laws do not apply to vehicles powered by "muscular power". To my knowledge, there is no separate crime called "biking while intoxicated".
yes you uses your muscles for any movement no matter how small. you use your finger muscles mainly while using video games