probably the aprillia rs250. its a two stroke engine and is capable of exceeding 140mph
it will go 650 mphs
Dirt Bike or Street? Dirt Bike 250cc will be okay if you are beginner. It really goes by skill level. 4-Stroke motocross bike 250cc will be plenty. You will be able to jump everything. Street, you will outgrow it very quickly.
the best dirt bike would be a 250cc 2 stroke
Dodge Tomahawk (Worlds Fastest Bike) 8.3L V10 engine producing 500HP! A Very Very Fast Bike.
Kawasaki ZX14
RX 2-stroke
No, compare the sound to a chainsaw or an old 250cc Yamaha dirt bike, no comparison
suzuki hayabusa
Yamaha TTR 125
None, they all suck.
im not sure about that but i can say that a 2 stroke 125cc is faster than a 125cc 4 stroke and probably 200cc too. a 125cc 2 stroke would throw you off the back if you cant handle it properly, where as the 4 stroke wouldn't scare the living daylights out of you