650 cm3 which is equal to 650cc so if u have a oil cup for ur bike just put in 500cc then add another 150cc
1,5 l
How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold? How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold? How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold?
yamaha xt 125 doesn't have oil filter.
1litre or 1.2 with new oil filter
The oil capacity for Yamaha motorcycles vary depending on the model and year of the bike. The 350 Yamaha warrior holds 2.64 courts of oil.
Motor oil
Want is the engine oil capacity for a 2000 Yamaha yz 250.
10w 40 ATV oil
Engine oil capacity is 2.6 quarts.
r1 fork oil capacity
fork oil capacity for a 2009 yz450f is 6.73 us oz recommended oil is Yamaha suspension oil "S1"
The oil capacity of a Yamaha Road Star is 5 quarts. It is recommended to change the oil every 5,000 miles for optimal performance.