37 inches
a dirt bike cc is a measurment for cubic centemeters
100 cc bike has better mileage than 150 cc bike due to its engine power big engine consumes more fuel than the smaller one.
CC can be defined as the power of engine, for example 250 cc bike stand for 250cc is the power of engine for that bike.
A bike that is a 125 CC has an engine size of 125 cubic centimeters. A 125 CC bike is usually used for off road travel.
which is the light weight bike in the world with high performance?
1000 cc that i know of
Bigger cc = bigger motor = more power. But also heavier bike.
cc is cubic centimeters, the area inside the cylinders (as in 60 cc or 1340 cc)
cubic centimeter cm3 is called cc .
pretty sure it is 4000 cc
250 cc is the highest a 14 year old can have on a street bike