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Q: What is the head tourque settings on a Yamaha 250 raptor?
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Ah, the Nissan Almera 2004, what a lovely car. To torque the cylinder head properly, you'll want to set it to around 65-72 ft-lbs in a criss-cross pattern to ensure even pressure. Just remember to tighten them gradually and with care, like adding happy little clouds to a painting. Happy torquing!

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What would cause engine oil to be in the radiator in a 2006 Yamaha Raptor 700?

Could be a blown head gasket or one of your mates is playing tricks on you. Is there any water in the engine oil, it will be a creamy white sort of colour. If you have access to a exhaust gas analyser stick the sniffer in the radiator just above the water when it is hot. If it picks up exhaust gases you have a blown head gasket.

How do you replace a raptor 660 head gasket wwithout removing the block?

Here is a link to the service manual, its actually not too bad.