Base line for any machine is 32:1. If it seems your running rich, use a little less oil, and vice versa for running lean.
The ratio is 40:1 on this snowmobile.
40:1 from what I've read
well yes! 2 cycle!
Two-stroke oil is the same stuff whether it says "snowmobile," "outboard" or "weed whacker" on the bottle. As long as the mix ratio is right, you can put the same oil in your snowmobile and your boat.
50:1 ratio 50 parts fuel 1 part oil 50:1 ratio 50 parts fuel 1 part oil
The cast of Gasoil - 2010 includes: Ehsan Fouladi Fard as Ehsan Fouladi Fard
The gear ratio for the 1979 Mustang V8 is 2.47:1
32:1 or 40:1 with high quality 2-stroke oil mix would be fine.
Diesel Gasoil