for my 1982 Cr125 the gas mixture is 40:1... not positive if its the same for a 250... but my suzuki 1991 suzuki 250 is also 40:1 so its most likely 40:1...
I have a 1998 CR250 and i mix it 32:1
32 to one
How do you check the clutch oil on a cr250 2001?
2001 cr250 oil capacity
750 cc800 if dissembled recently10w-40
Every 2 stroke Honda that I have had is 20 to 1.
yes . gas is made from oil..
The 1983 model, 15 hp Evinrude outboard, requires a 50:1 ratio, one pint of 2 cycle oil, to six gallons of fuel.
No, you do not mix oil with the gas as it is a 4 stroke and has an oil resivoir.
its a mix of 32-1 oil mix.
4 cycle means that you do not mix oil with the gas. They will have a place for the oil and a place for the gas seperate. Although, not many weedwackers have 4 cycle engines... 2 cycle engines are the ones that you need to mix oil with the gas.