bad seal in between your intke manifold and carburetor
vacuum hose leaks off the carburetor.
There is no reason you would have to.
float valve or float are bad
Does this vehicle have a carburetor or is it fuel injected? In any case start with looking for vacuum leaks.
Trinity makes a CV carb kit, it comes with everything you need just bolt it on. I have this kit on my banshee and I highly recommend it. The kit is very high quality, makes tuning a breeze, and you never have to worry about your carbs being unsynchronized.
The Banshee turned Pheobe into a Banshee.
Turn the fuel on and then take the gas hose that connects to the carberator off and if it leaks gas then the caberator should be receiving it
banshee 500 dont exist
1. drive it until you are out of fuel. it will quit leaking. 2. rebuild the carburetor. 3. replace the carburetor 4. identify the reason that it is leaking and then ask another question.
the carb needs to be rebuilt or cleaned. old gas clogged the jets
Probably not. The backfiring is usually caused by a lean condition. Check all your vacuum lines and gaskets for leaks.