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well you can find these bikes at Walmart most places don't sell them but if you look on the internet i bet you will find it you can find similar things on eBay lol but you should be able to find them

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Q: Were can you get a bike that looks like a dirt bike?
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A pit bike is a very small bike that is more to like mess around with in the pits hint hint and a regular dirt bike is alot larger more for trial riding or racing.

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It's basically a a jump that looks like a table with ramps on both ends.

Is their a dirt bike code for gta san Andreas?

No but you can get a bike called a Sanchez which is like that.

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They are quicker and more powerful and are like the Ferrari of the dirt bikes and are built for speed and racing and the Honda is like the Holden and Ford and is a basic dirt bike!

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Tomos is a band of a bike. This bike looks like a motorcycle.

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you do not have to have a dirt bike liscense dumbazz

You would like to find a bike serial number on a 1998 dirt bike?

on the front forks.

What is better dirt bike or four wheeler?

Depends on what YOU like!

Who invented the tricks for dirt bikes?

There is not a single dirt bike sportsman who is credited for inventing dirt bike tricks. A lot of dirt bike riding is freestyle.

Can you ride a 70cc dirt bike on the street?

No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.