my 1998 CR250 takes .79 of a quart of 10-40 oil. Hope that helps.
how much engine oil goes in an 80cc dirt bike
Its cool
your dirt wont start because if there is no oil there is no oil compression which will cause your dirt bike to not start Answer Before it gets to that point, perform regular maintenance and oil changes. This will increase the life of your engine.
they make oil to petrol thats why the is dirt
at the botom of the dirt bike
It more than likely does not have one. Rarely does a dirt bike have an oil filter. Your owner's manual will list the location if it has one.
there is none,
About a litre
4 stroke
If your 2 stroke dirt bike starts to smoke really bad that means you have to much oil in the fuel or the wrong kind of oil. Or the pistons, oil rings or cylinders are badly worn.