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Yes, a dirt bike is considered technology because it is a motor powered vehicle like a car: thus being considered technology or an advance in intelligence.

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Q: Is a dirt bike considered technology?
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Related questions

Is a dirt bike considered a vehicle?

A Dirt Bike is considered a vehicle.

What is considered high mileage on a dirt bike?

depends on the bike about 60000km

Do you have to have a license to ride a dirt bike in ms?

No ,because a dirt bike is considered a recreational item not to be driven on any public road for any period of time.

Where do you get a Dirt bike license?

you do not have to have a dirt bike liscense dumbazz

Who invented the tricks for dirt bikes?

There is not a single dirt bike sportsman who is credited for inventing dirt bike tricks. A lot of dirt bike riding is freestyle.

Can you ride a 70cc dirt bike on the street?

No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.

What is a dirt bike mlade of?

It's made out of dirt obviously hence the name dirt bike.

2000 Yamaha rt100 a better dirt bike than 2004 125ttr?

no its not. the ttr is better. the rt100 is based on the same technology from yamaha mx100s from the 70's. the technology on the bike hasnt changed much since.

What hurts more bike or dirt bike?

depends if you are wearing the protection for a dirt bike that is needed

Who rode the first dirt bike?

who was the first dirt bike rider

What is bigger a 110 dirt bike or a 85 dirt bike?

The 110.

Does a dirt bike have keys?

does a dirt bike come with keys