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185 actually seems kinda high for a 50

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Q: Is 185 compression test good for a 2004 Honda crf 50?
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A compression test is a good place to start.

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look for coolant in the oil and do a compression test. two adjacent cylinders with low compression will indicate a blown headgasket.

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135-184 psi

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Assuming the timing belt let go, you could do a compression test.

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it is used to measure the extension or compression in the object after it is subjected to tension or compression test it is used to measure the extension or compression in the object after it is subjected to tension or compression test

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gas, about 150 miles engine life, the sky's is the limit (but a Honda shadow might not be worth the repair cost) be sure to get a compression test at around 100k miles

When doing a compression test on a gas engine do you start the engine?

No, The compression test is done as the starter cranks the engine

2004 Honda Element stalls?

it could be your crank posistion senson or alternator failing get a dia and a load test on alternator

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Leak down test : Uses 70lbs pressure to test for leaks around valves and cylinders.

How many compression strokes during a compression test?

3 - 4 per cylinder.