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Q: Install throttle cable on pocket bike?
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My dirt bike throttle just spins very very loosely what should i do?

I would say your throttle cable is snaped by the sounds of it best off 2 just buy a new throttle and cable ....

How do i adjust the throttle on the baja mini bike?

There's an adjustment nut on the hand grip for the throttle cable. Back it out to make the throttle tighter, and screw it in for looser.

Where is the governor on a 49cc pocket bike?

The governor is the screw by the throttle on the hand grip take it out and no more governor.

How do you restrict a 50cc bike?

I think your asking how to restrict the speed of a 50cc. mini bike, you can do this with the throttle cable, adjust the cable to only open the carburetor 1/2 (half) way. If you mean how to UN-restrict the bike, the usual way is with a throttle stop, simply loosen the cinch nut and back off the stop until you achieve full throttle, and retighten the cinch nut.

How do you un-restrict a 50cc pit bike?

I think your asking how to restrict the speed of a 50cc. mini bike, you can do this with the throttle cable, adjust the cable to only open the carburetor 1/2 (half) way. If you mean how to UN-restrict the bike, the usual way is with a throttle stop, simply loosen the cinch nut and back off the stop until you achieve full throttle, and retighten the cinch nut.

Does the throttle on a pocket bike need a spring to go back?

ye it dose without it the starter cant turn and it wont start

How do you dirve a semi-automatic super pocket bike?

Ummm well you drive it like a bike but when you hear it making the same reaming noise you let off the throttle and shift up

How can I properly install cable guides on a bike frame?

To properly install cable guides on a bike frame, follow these steps: Clean the area where the cable guides will be installed. Position the cable guides on the frame in the desired locations. Use a small amount of adhesive or zip ties to secure the cable guides in place. Make sure the guides are aligned properly for smooth cable routing. Allow the adhesive to dry completely before using the bike.

What is bigger a pocket bike or a pocket rocket?

It really depends on what kind of bike you are getting, but normally, a pocket bike is bigger.

How do you install a performance carburetor on a pocket bike?

have a look at this site:

Can you ride a pocket bike in brampton without a license for a pocket bike?

yes, you need a lisences to ride a pocket bike in bramton

How to make a Pocket bike turbo?

how do you make pocket bike turbo or where do you buy it i need it for my f4-15 pocket bike 49cc