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i find usually its the carby... either u need to lube up the cable, buy a new spring for the carby as it mite just be old and to weak to pull the cable back down or if all else fails just buy a new cable.. cheap fix... but if its not the carby.. i cant help ya lol

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Q: How would you fix a stuck throttle on a dirt bike?
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Why does my Dirt bike acts like its running out of gas?

the carburetor might be clogged or the carbs throttle slide might be stuck

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pull apart the carborator and clean it of dirt and debris pull apart the carborator and clean it of dirt and debris

Where is the throttle located on a dirt bike?

The same as a street bike. On the right handlebar.

What do you do if your dirt bike is stuck?

you pick it up and continue riding it.

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If your dirt bike is stuck in gear, the shifter fork is most likely bent or broken. Changing the shifter fork requires splitting the case.

My dirt bike throttle just spins very very loosely what should i do?

I would say your throttle cable is snaped by the sounds of it best off 2 just buy a new throttle and cable ....

Do you always have to be on the throttle on a competition dirt bike?

no, you should give it more gas then a trail bike though. but not all the time.

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why would you eat a dirt bike seriously get a life

How much would a dirt bike cost?

A dirt bike would cost about 100 dollars in MX vs. ATV untamed.

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the best dirt bike would be a 250cc 2 stroke

What is faster a horse or a dirt bike?

both because with a horse it would depend that if it has been trained like for a race but on a average horse then a dirt bike if faster but see with a dirt bike it depends on the type of engine it has because if the engine is beat up the yes 100% would the horse beat it but if it was a good engine the yes the dirt bike would win but on average it would probably turn out to be the dirt bike would win.

My dirt bike has problems starting?

Well you really need to be more specific. What kind of bike. Can you at least kick it or is it stuck? details dude details