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Depends on where you're at. The law isn't the same everywhere.

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Q: How old do you need to be to wear a bicycle helmet?
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Must you wear a bicycle helmet if you are18 years old?

Depends on where you are, the law is different from place to place.

How old do you have to be to be able to not wear a helmet?

Regardless of age, everyone is legally required to wear a helmet while biking. Depending on the country that you live in. UK for instanstance has no legal requirement to wear any sort of safety equipment on a bicycle.

How old do you have to be to not wear a helmet in Ottawa?

Everyone has to wear a helmet no matter what age! :)

How old are you supposed to be to ride a bike without a helmet?

Legally it depends on if its a motorcycle or a bicycle and where you are, helmet laws aren't the same all over. In practical terms, the day to stop using a helmet is the day when you no longer think your head is worth protecting. Bottom line: you should always wear a helmet regardless of your age.

How old do you have to be to not have to wear a helmet at allegany state park?

You should always wear a helmet to protect your brain from injury.

Do cyclists have to wear helmets?

It is not illegal to ride a two or three wheeled motor vehicle without a helmet but some form of eye protection is required. On a Bike it is illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet if you are under 16.

How old do you have to be to wear a helmet?

You can wear a helmet at pretty much any age. Depending on location and local laws, sometimes you don't have to wear a helmet once past a certain age.

Where can you get a bike helmet for your one year old?

A bicycle shop will have an appropriately sized helmet and someone on hand to help make sure the fit is correct.

Will you get ticket for not wearing a bicycle helmet?

The law isn't the same all over, so it depends on where you're at and how old you are.

What type of motorcycle helmet did dudley frank wear in movie wild hogs?

It was a really old football helmet

How old do you have to be to ride a bicycle without a helmet in Oregon?

It as implemented in 1999 that any person under the age of 16 must where a helmet hile bicycling in the state of Maine.

Should people under 18 wear a helmet when skiing?

I think a helmet is a great idea, regardless of how old you are. Today they are comfortable enough to wear, and can protect you from nasty injuries.