31.069 miles
50Kmph converts to 31 mph
50 km*
1 mi
1.609344 km
31.06855961 mi
50 km = 31.07 miles (rounded)
Probably around 30 miles n hour (50km/h)
It depends on how fast you are going. To go a mile in 1 minute, you must be going 60 miles per hour. If you are going as fast as light, you will travel about 11176944 miles in 1 second.
How fast are you going at 4.5 miles in 22min? Answer this question…
50km/h (30mph)
1km is about 5/8 of a mile. So, 50 x 5/8 = 31.25mph. Close but the correct answer is 50 kilometers = 31.0685596 miles
A frog can swim at 50km an hour or 31mph
Very fast. It is equal to 18,000 miles per hour.
Speed = distance/time = (50 km)/(2 h) = 25 km/h[kilometers per hour]
it is travelling 50km an hour
they can go from 32km/h to 50km/h