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With stock gearing 62-65 mph

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Q: How fast is a rm 125 with a wisco piston?
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How fast is a 1997 rm 125?

A 1997 rm 125 can go around 60mph.

How fast can a rm 125 go?

about 80 mph

What makes a 1985 suzuki rm 125 not kick with the kick start?

piston get stucked in the cylinder

How fast is a 2003 Suzuki RM 125?

85 mph

Does an RM 125 go fast?

With stock gearing around 63 mph

How fast is a 2002 rm 125?

stock gears around 75-80mph

Rm 125 has had rebore and piston kit put in has no compresion?

replace the cylinder gasket and check for cracks and replace the head gaskets

Rm 125 specs?

These (link below) are for a 08 RM 125.

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What is the difference between a DRZ 125 and an RM 125?

There is a big difference the rm is much faster

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