I got my all Stock 2007 ttr 125L to go up to 90 on the back lane
My 07 ttr 125l went about 55 , according to my GPS , stock.
a ttr 90 goes about 35 to 40mph.
0 mph
0 mph
0 mph
A TTR 125L is what I bought my daughter to learn to ride on. Very dependable and mild mannered, a good bike to learn on.
no its good but you might want to consider a 250 if he knows how to ride I'm 14 gonna be 15 in two months and i own a 06 Yamaha banshee but for 2 wheelers its more dangerous but the ttr is good and fast enough for a 14 year old so no its not to small and not to big just perfect
It will go about 20-30 MPH.
Like 70mph
yes, i think it will even fit on a ttr 90.