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There are 2 bolts (1 on each side) at the back of the seat. Remove these, push down on the front of the seat by gas tank and pull backward.

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Q: How do you take a seat off a Suzuki dirt bike?
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How do you find out the year of a suzuki dirt bike?

take a look at the chase number on the bike, google "where to find chase number on..." and then google VIN number check and find a free one. put in your chase number and there you go.

How do you take the seat off of a Honda 350 XR dirt bike?

Remove the two plastic covers located on each side and below the seat. Then you get access to the two bolts that hold the seat in place. These are located at the rear of the seat. Remove them and then slide the seat backwards and upwards.

Does seat remove off of a 2004 suzuki savage 650?

Check out yes it comes off!!! You have to take it off to do almost ANYTHING to the bike!!!!, its just two bolts!!!!

Where is the battery on a 01' suzuki gsxr 600?

It is under the seat. You need to take an Allen wrench take the seat off and you will see it.

How old do you have to be to get a Dirt-bike and can you take one on the street if not why?

you can be any ages and you cant take it on the road because they are off road bike

Your 80cc dirt bike wont ckrank?

its broke. take it to the shop.

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How much oil does Honda 100 dirt bike take?

About a litre

What kind of gas does a chinnese dirt bike take?

Just normal gasoline

How do you unflud a dirt bike?

Flooding a dirt bike can be very frustrating. The best thing to do is just to take the plug out and wait for about 20 min. this will drain the excess gas inside the cylinder

What type of gas does the kx 125cc kawasaki dirt bike take?

Regular gas

How much is a dirt-bike chain?

Any where form $50-$100, give or take.